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Our Team

Executive Committee


Eric Payne

LHBA President &
HBAM Leadership Council

PR Design Build, Owner



Shane Vork

Vork Brothers Painting, Owner


Deane Graves

Deane Graves

Vice President
Nederveld Associates, Land Survey Manager

Adam Headshots

Adam Duerksen

Strategic Navigators, Business Development Executive


Ryan Spencer

LHBA Past President &
HBAM Friends of Housing Rep

Sharp- RoofingOwner

Board of Directors


Drew DeMeester

Troxel Custom HomesPresident / CEO

Brad VanderZwaag

Brad Vander Zwaag

Baumann Building, VP + Partner

Richard Tease

Richard Tease

Bekins, Sales Professional


Michael Bosgraaf

Bosgraaf Homes, LLCOwner / Principal / Partner

Klynt Marcusse2

Klynt Marcusse

Steve Boss

Steve Boss

Chrisitian Vogel

Christian Vogel

Case Aukeman websitr
Tim Van Der Kolk2

Tim Van Der Kolk

Legislative Chair


Brittany Ryzenga

Brittany Ryzenga

Lakeshore HBA,
Chief Executive Officer

Valorie Oonk 2023

Valorie Oonk

Lakeshore HBA,
Director of Operations

Lisa square for website

Lisa Kasten

Lakeshore HBA,
Director of Events

Megan website SQUARE

Megan Stephenson

Lakeshore HBA,
Membership Coordinator

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